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private family doctors

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Private family doctors

As private family doctors, we always put our patients’ healthcare at the core of everything we do. With family memberships available, we care holistically for all ages and are experienced in mental health and wellbeing. Contact us on 0333 050 7338 to find out more.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. What a year it has been for our children and adolescents missing months of schooling, social interaction and life as we once knew it. 

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week was launched in 2015 by Place2be’s charity to highlight the importance of children’s mental health. 

Mental health problems can arise at any time. Before the pandemic, research suggested that half of mental health problems are developed by mid-teens. Since the pandemic, mental health problems in children have been on the rise

private family doctors

This year, Place2be’s theme is EXPRESS YOURSELF and encouraging children to express themselves.

We need to enable our children to express themselves. Listening to them and encouraging them to talk about their feelings acknowledge them and normalise the feelings. 

  • Take time to listen to them, listen to how they feel and encourage them to talk. 
  • Set an example by sharing how you are feeling and how you look after yourself and your mental wellbeing, what works for us and how they can adapt similar strategies.
  • Remind them that their thoughts and feelings are important

The lockdown and its Effects:

Here at Linbury, one of the joys of being a private family doctor is that we get to know our patients and families really well, especially during the lockdown period where we continue to carry out home visits with full PPE. We develop a personal relationship with our patients and the whole family. 

During my visits last week, I was in awe to see how all the children of the families I look after have adapted to this new normal. But it also made me feel sad for some of them and the big events they are missing in their lives, especially the adolescents; those who would have been sitting big exams; having big prom parties with their friends; and engaging in sporting events such as netball and rugby tournaments.

The impact on our children can last for years to come so it is even more important to support them, let them express their feelings and guide them through these times. 

How can we Help the Children Adapt During Lockdown?

Routine: Try and stick to a schedule. Schools have done brilliantly to provide a routine in the school day, so stick to it as much as possible to help structure the day. 

Hobbies: If your children can carry on with their hobbies and the things they enjoy, ensure to make time for it. You can find music lessons online, practise favourite sports with family in the garden, or take up a new hobby! My children have joined me in running at the weekends and they aim to run 5km at a good time. You could also get involved and join in with a hobby that your children enjoy. Time outdoors is really important.

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Friends and family: Ensure that your children stay in touch with their friends during school live lessons or set up virtual calls with them at the weekend. Write a letter to grandparents or other family members, and share some home school work with them. 

Finally, don’t ever hesitate to ask for help. As private family doctors, we will always be happy to chat through any concerns and guide you. So, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0333 050 7338. We always put our patients at the core of everything we do.

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