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why see a menopause GP

Why a Pro-Active Response to Menopause is Important

Menopause can cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, and fatigue. It can also increase the risk of long-term health issues such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and cognitive decline. These symptoms can affect a woman’s quality of life and require medical attention. That’s why we highly recommend seeing a menopause GP as soon as you can.

Treatment can offer several advantages, and our Private GPs have more time to dedicate to patients, allowing for a more personalised approach to treatment.

Menopause can have a significant impact on your life, and we believe that pro-active and early management can make a world of difference.

Why see a Menopause GP?

Our menopause GPs will help you understand the changes your body is going through during menopause and provide you with the necessary information to manage your symptoms. Our bespoke advice will be unique to you; every situation is different, so we pride ourselves on offering the very best advice suited to you.

Each of our consultations is 30 minutes long and is never rushed. This allows us to spend the time you need to review your current medication, medical history and treatment to date. We’ll also carry out an examination and provide further testing if required.

menopause clinic

Your GP will also identify any potential health issues you may face during this time, such as osteoporosis or heart disease, and provide you with preventative measures.

We believe that having a menopause consultation can help you feel more confident and in control of your health; it can be a valuable tool in helping you maintain your health and well-being during this transitional period.

Contact your dedicated GP for more information.

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